The Cold Has Set In..

And it’s only supposed to get colder… Last weekend we didn’t manage to get out, and this week highs are forecast at -24C for two days. I’m not sure that we will make it this weekend. Currently we have only 2 small propane space heaters, which isn’t enough to ensure our safety (carbon monoxide) and…

Shed Building Day #15

Today is day #15 of our shed building, and Remembrance Day. Last night we endured temperatures of -22C. Truth be told, I was cold – but then I fell asleep as I was putting the kids to bed and did not put my PJs on. I think I would have been fine if I had.…

Shed Building Day #13

The days are short at this time of year, which means that it gets dark a bit before 5, and gets light shortly before 8am. This is a big change from our light summers where I got used to putting in two work days – one in the office and one at Willow Wilde. These…

Shed Building Day #12

SNOW!!!!!! We love snow!!!! Maybe not when you can’t get warm out of the snow, but now that we have a roof over our heads, and a room we can sclose ourselves into, it adds a whole new dimension to enjoying the weather! There she is on the west side – all closed in! Time…

Shed Building Day #10

We got out a little late, after picking up some more OSB, 2×4 to finish the end walls, and exchange the window with the bad seal.   Here is a view of the beginning of the day. The small rectangle in the middle is where the window was.   First we put up an end…

Shed Building Day #9

Today was a small day – we used up the OSB that was planned for the end walls. Miscalculation on my part. Instead we set to work putting together the studs for the back wall, and measuring out how to put together the ladder/steps. The concept of the half ladder half steps is to have…

Shed Building Day #8

Time to get the roof on! Today we recruited the 14 year old. No electronics. Time to learn how to use a few tools! First the boards are cut down to size. Here’s helping Dad with the table saw. And checking to make sure that line is straight. And here the roof is being put…

Shed Building Day #7

We started the morning in town, picking up a few more 2x6s so we could build the double truss at the other end of the roof, and some hinges for the door. We planned to be out by 10am so we could meet our neighbour Eric (owner of the infamous cows), who was going to…